Welcome to Pinhole Solutions
We have a great selection of pinhole products and are happy to give advice and help on your latest pinhole project. StorePinhole solutions
Photography is changing in many ways but let’s try and keep the fun and inspiritational element in it and enjoy and celebrate using our own design of cameras and invent new styles and new techniques.
Please have a look and explore our website and if you want any advice or information or just a chat about Pinhole Photography please telephone: Tim Norgate on 07810 125768 any evening.
World Wide Pinhole Photography Day will be on the 27 April 2025, and if you wish to see the years greatest pinhole photos from around the world, go to www.pinholeday.org
To order any of our products, please phone or email – Visa, Mastercard and Switch are accepted.
Please ask for details on delivery abroad. All trademarks are acknowledged as belonging to their respective companies. Offers subject to availability. Specifications subject to change.